Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Assurance Electrical Services discusses installing smoke alarms in your Prescott home

Assurance Electrical Services suggests hardwiring the smoke alarms in your Prescott home.Smoke alarms are one of those household items that we easily forget about. Changing the battery, replacing a broken or malfunctioning unit, or installing a detector are the little things we put off. Unfortunately, a smoke detector is one of the most critical safety features of our home. Fires spread very quickly, and the ability to save your family and yourself is determined by seconds. Because of this, a properly maintained smoke alarm is vital to the safety of your household. Assurance Electrical Services is letting Prescott homeowners know the right way to install smoke alarms in their home.

Install on Every Floor
Install an alarm on each floor of your home. This includes the basement. In newer homes, it is a requirement for detectors to be placed in each bedroom. The smoke sensors must also be interconnected, so if one is triggered, they all sound. This is also important if you sleep with your bedroom doors closed because you will be able to hear an alarm regardless of where it was triggered in the house.

Install On and Near the Ceiling
Smoke rises, so the smoke alarms should be placed high up. If your alarm is on the wall, it should be within four to twelve inches from the ceiling. A ceiling alarm should be a minimum of four inches away from the wall. If you have a pitched ceiling, put it near the highest point. Additionally, install the detectors away from windows, ducts, and doors. Drafts from these locations could keep the detectors from working correctly.

Consider Alternative to Battery Power
Many smoke alarms on the market today are battery powered. This means that you will have to remember to change your battery regularly. The alternative to using battery-powered smoke alarms is hard-wiring them into your home. These detectors work off the electricity in your home which means you never have to remember to change the battery. They are interconnected, and in the event of a power outage, they should have a battery backup.

Smoke alarms are necessary to keep you and your family safe. If you have battery-operated smoke alarms and you would like to explore a hard-wired option for your Prescott home, contact Assurance Electrical Services today at 928-713-2177. For more information or for any other residential or commercial electrical needs, visit

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